Here are the full predictions from payments and fraud experts from Card Not Present (CNP) : https://www.cnpexpo.com/news/feature-articles/9-for-19-Payments-and-Fraud-Experts-Make-Predictions-for-the-Coming-Year/
[Editor’s Note: Like payments and fraud, the prediction business is inherently risky. So, it is with some trepidation that I ask experts in the space at the end of each year to weigh in on what to expect in the next. But, in the face of relentless uncertainty (and doesn’t this year seem more uncertain than usual?) there are always a few courageous respondents willing to go on the record about the trends they believe will exert themselves in e-commerce payments and fraud. AI, real time payments and the demands of Generation Z are top of mind for industry executives this year. So good luck and best wishes for a prosperous New Year.]
And here is Mehmet’s prediction for 2019:
Customer payment preferences continue to exert their power in 2019. On the transactions side, real-time payments will continue to gain traction as the call from consumers, regulators and tech companies gets louder and demand increases. Contactless payments will also continue to grow and indeed will gather pace as contactless and mobile merge. The U.S. and Europe both lag behind in this area. In the U.K., customers will wonder why they cannot just enter a PIN and continue a contactless payment regardless of whether the amount is over the £30 threshold. While in the U.S., banks will start to question why they gave in to Apple Pay quite so easily! As the battle to get top of digital wallet intensifies, keep an eye on how banks start integrating their own rewards programs and schemes into their digital platforms—especially mobile—as this will be the key to earning cardholder loyalty in 2019.
Mehmet Sezgin, Co-Founder and CEO, myGini